Pencil as a guiding philosophy in life

June 18, 2023

Happy Father’s Day

In Mass, Monsignor Gerry Santos gave all Fathers in the church, after the blessing, a gift of pencil each, and after giving a homily that expounded on the qualities of a pencil that should serve as a philosophy of life for all fathers.

It was a beautiful homily using pencil as a symbol. I liked it. All fathers who received the pencil gift were told to sharpen it and then hang it on the family altar at home.

I took a picture of it. Then, I will use it. As I use it, I will remember the homily of Monsignor Santos.

At home, I searched the Internet if there is a similar writings on this topic. I found one. I think Monsignor Santos adapted his homily to this writing.

The seven qualities of a Pencil

Aditya Gupta

Founder & CEO | IIMK-Exec Alumnus | 20 yrs exp across start-ups, strategy, sales, analytics & team management

December 8, 2021

The seven qualities of a Pencil have been explained guiding philosophy of one’s life.

A young boy was watching his grandmother writing in a book. He asked her what she was writing.

His grandmother stopped writing and said to her grandson: I am writing a story, but more important than the words is the pencil I’m using. I hope you will be like this pencil when you grow up.’

Intrigued, the boy looked at the pencil. It didn’t seem very special. ‘But it’s just like any other pencil I’ve seen!’

That depends on how you look at things. It has seven qualities which, if you manage to adopt them, will make you a happy person who is always at peace with the world.’

❤️ First quality: You must never forget that there is a hand guiding you. We call that hand God, and He always Guides us according to His Will.

❤️Second quality: Now and then, I have to stop writing and use a sharpener. That makes the pencil suffer a little, but afterwards, it is much sharper. So you, too, must learn to bear certain pains and sorrows, because they will make you a better person.

❤️Third quality: The pencil always allows us to use an eraser to rub out any mistakes. This means that correcting something we did is not necessarily a bad thing; it helps to keep us on the right path.

❤️ Fourth quality: what really matters in a pencil is not its wooden exterior, but the graphite inside. So always pay attention to what is happening inside you.

❤️Fifth quality: It always leaves a mark. In just the same way, you should know that everything you do in life will leave a mark, so try to be conscious of that in every action of yours. 

❤️Sixth quality : It gets shorter and shorter with use…. so also life. Make the most while it lasts.

❤️Seventh quality: It writes till the very end. Be useful and productive till your dying day.

I love this.

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Prayer on the 40th Day of Death

Prayer on the 40th Day of Death

Almighty Lord, today we humbly pray for You to receive the soul of Your son / daughter, ——–/ —— , our dearest beloved who passed away.
May You open the gates of Heaven to receive this kind and humble person in Your arms, as today is the 40th day after his / her death.
—— left us to be by Your side and took a piece of our heart with him / her the day it happened. So today We are standing here before you to ask you to protect his /her soul.
May Your angels receive this faithful servant in the Gardens of Paradise . We miss him / her so much, that we can only pray to ease our sorrow.
Even in grief, we rejoice, knowing that he / she is in a better place and watching over us. In the name of Jesus, Amen

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Ignatian Scripture Meditations for Lent – LIFE DECISIONS AND RESOLUTIONS

Ignatian Scripture Meditations for Lent – LIFE DECISIONS AND RESOLUTIONS

Posted on April 5, 2023 by reyojoson

Ignatian Scripture Meditations for Lent

1. Life Decisions and Resolutions

Major life decisions may include how you more fully live your vocation, approach your life of prayer, handle your finances, approach a certain relationship, or any other pressing question you have in life right now. Throughout your life, God will call you to resolve more deeply, to surrender more fully, and to serve more completely. What is He calling you to do right now? This should be the focus of this meditation.

There are three methods by which Saint Ignatius describes how a person discerns the will of God.

1st method – Has God spoken to you? Is there some invitation that He has given to you that you know is from Him? Ponder this question.

2nd method – If there is nothing that is abundantly clear after the first method is reflected upon, then spend time considering the various consolations and desolations of the previous weeks/months. How has God been speaking to you through the inner spiritual movements of your soul? What clarity regarding His will have you received through prayer recently?

3rd method – If there are no clear resolutions that come to mind after pondering your consolations and desolations from the recent weeks/months, then consider the third approach as the best approach for you.

-Reflect upon the ultimate purpose of your life. You are to choose only that which gives God the greatest glory, and thus, saves your soul. Peacefully think about what that may be for you right now as you say this prayer: Lord, what can I do in my life right now that gives You the greatest glory? How may I glorify You more?

-Consider what advice you would give to someone else who came to you right now with the same question. Try to give yourself that objective advice.

-Consider also the day of your death. What will you look back at and wish you had done right now in your life?

-Consider also the day of judgment when you stand before our Lord. What choice can you make now that will make that judgment even more glorious?

Making a Decision: After prayerfully calling to mind the way in which you can amend your life so as to give even greater glory to God, it’s time to make a prayerful resolution. This can be done any way you choose, but it should be done with prayer and commitment. First, say a prayer that you can make a good resolution. Second, offer that resolution to our Lord in any way you desire. Perhaps say your own prayer, or pray a chaplet, rosary, litany, etc., for the intention. Or write out your resolution. When completed, return to that resolution often in the coming weeks in prayer.

ROJoson’s 2023 Life Decisions and Resolutions (April 4, 2023)

1st method – Has God spoken to you? Is there some invitation that He has given to you that you know is from Him? Ponder this question.

I think God has shown me directions before from high school graduation to now (2023) or at least up to age 65 (my government retirement age) and age 70 (my first phase of my intentional life plan).

After graduation from high school, I attempted to join the Society of Jesus but I was not accepted as I was told to come back after one year. I did not go back anymore and continued my life journey in studying premedicine, then medicine, then surgery, and then private practice, academe, and hospital administration.

I became a lay minister in 2002 in St. Andrew the Apostle Parish. After a year or two, I decided to quit. I had social phobia, mainly.

Up to age 65 and age 70, I have achieved all the targets that I set in my intentional life plan. I had one passion: Education for Health Development in the Philippines. I have received graces in this program and I thanked God for this. I think this was the direction given to me by God as He gave me all the graces to accomplish this program with flying color.

One thing definite is that I am NOT carved out to be a priest. I will just do personal evangelization particularly online.

2nd method – If there is nothing that is abundantly clear after the first method is reflected upon, then spend time considering the various consolations and desolations of the previous weeks/months. How has God been speaking to you through the inner spiritual movements of your soul? What clarity regarding His will have you received through prayer recently?

Late 2021, up to 2022 and up to March 2023, I have frequent bouts of anxiety and depression despite my resolution to be a saint in 2022. I had frequent feelings of worthlessness also. I can say that I was in the state of desolation during this time. I tried controlling my anxiety and depression and desolation by keeping myself busy and productive with projects, particularly on compassionate humanitarian program.

I had this prayer formulated in January 2022:

As I enter into my 4th bonus year, I pledge to continue my compassionate humanitarian programs for my patients, for the Filipino people and for everybody particularly through my Patient Empowerment Program, Hospital Quality and Safety Management System Program and Medical and Surgical Educational Program.

Starting this year, Lord, I am accepting your invitation to be a saint – just a small saint. I have decided to emulate St. Ignatius of Loyola.

Through various moments of desolations and consolations, I think God wants me to do my compassionate humanitarian programs for my patients and for the Filipino people particularly through my Compassionate Patient-Centered Care Management Program and Patient Empowerment Program. I am still deciding whether I will be able to continue my Hospital Quality and Safety Management System Program and Medical and Surgical Program. Will continue to ponder on these.

3rd method – If there are no clear resolutions that come to mind after pondering your consolations and desolations from the recent weeks/months, then consider the third approach as the best approach for you.

-Reflect upon the ultimate purpose of your life. You are to choose only that which gives God the greatest glory, and thus, saves your soul. Peacefully think about what that may be for you right now as you say this prayer: Lord, what can I do in my life right now that gives You the greatest glory? How may I glorify You more?

-Consider what advice you would give to someone else who came to you right now with the same question. Try to give yourself that objective advice.

-Consider also the day of your death. What will you look back at and wish you had done right now in your life?

-Consider also the day of judgment when you stand before our Lord. What choice can you make now that will make that judgment even more glorious?

I think I will do these:

As I enter into my 5th bonus year, I pledge to continue my compassionate humanitarian programs for my patients and for the Filipino people particularly through my Compassionate Patient-Centered Care Management Program and Patient Empowerment Program. I am still deciding whether I will be able to continue my Hospital Quality and Safety Management System Program and Medical and Surgical Program. Will continue to ponder on these.

I will continue my Project Saint or Project Holiness.

These will be my LIFE DECISIONS and RESOLUTIONS for the next 8 years and 10 months or until I die.

I will be a HERMIT – eventually be a HERMIT – doing online writings (Education for Health Development in the Philippines – for the Filipino people – patients, medical surgical students, hospital administration students) and living a holy and saintly life (prayers, Holy Mass, confessions, and online evangelization).

I will provide companioship to my wife.

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Project Suffering-Joy – ROJoson


Project Suffering-Joy (Easter 2023)

I will accept sufferings and crosses as part of the challenges in my earthly life so as to be in union with Christ’s sufferings. Moreover, I should transform these sufferings and crosses into a wholehearted joy as my way of loving and serving God in my journey towards salvation in Heaven.

Project Suffering – Joy = suffering with joy; suffering followed by joy; suffering then joy; etc. Whichever is acceptable. Bottom line: I should transform these sufferings and crosses into a wholehearted joy as my way of loving and serving God in my journey towards salvation in Heaven.

Jesus, You now invite all of us to share in Your suffering and death in this life so that we can share in Your Resurrection. Please fill my mind with understanding of this gift in order to fill me with hope so that I will work tirelessly for that day on which I hope to share in Your Resurrection. Jesus, I trust in You.

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History of my Holy Week – ROJoson

April 8, 2023 – I just finished the Easter Vigil and Easter Mass in Saint Andrew the Apostle Parish (SAAP) from 6 pm to 930 pm.

I declared that this year’s Holy Week (April 3 to April 8) has new milestones compared to last year. These new milestones consisted of the following: 1) I heard Mass in church practically everyday during the entire season of Lent (Ash Wednesday – Feb 22, 2023 to April 8, 2023); 2) I did not go out of town to the beach – I stayed home in Makati from Holy Wednesday to Holy Saturday – Easter Sunday – watched the Passion of Christ by Mel Gibson – listened to the recollection by Johnny Go, SJ – participated in all the Holy Week memorial activities of SAAP; 3) I controlled my postings in Facebook except for religious reflections and prayers; 4) I attended the rites in Holy Thursday, Holy Friday, and Holy Saturday including the Easter Vigil (my first time to do this) – HORRAY! I pledge to continue to attend the Holy Week rites in my parish every year from hereon. Before, I frequently went to the beach during the Holy Week except during the COVID19 pandemic. Last year 2022, because of the pandemic, I stayed home most of the time and attended the Holy Week rites online. This year, 2023, I went to SAAP for the Holy Week rites.

In 2022, I made a note:

2023 was still productive and meaningful with new milestones.

I will maintain the following during the Holy Week each year:

  • Confession
  • Daily church mass and communion
  • Station of the Cross
  • Spiritual retreat – formal and informal during the Holy Week
  • Full participation of the Holy Week rites in my parish
  • NO Facebook social interaction but with online evangelization
  • NO medical consultations, either face-to-face or telemedical during the Holy Week starting Holy Wednesday.
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Holy Week – 2023 – ROJoson

During the 2023 Holy Week, I hope and I pray that:

  • I will know God more; I will love Him more; I will follow Him more.
  • I will become holier.
  • I will have clearer life direction in my journey towards heaven and my salvation.

March 31, 2023 – Confession

April 5, 2023 – Holy Wednesday – Evening mass – started watching The Passion of Christ by Mel Gibson

April 6, 2023 – Holy Thursday – finished watching the Passion of Christ; alms giving; Tridium mass at 5 pm; pray at reposition of the Holy Eucharist (Holy Rosary); Lenten Recollection by Johnny Go.

April 7, 2023 – Holy Friday – Seven Last Words

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Confession – 2023 Resolution

Feels good and feels a new man thereafter
Resolution for me starting 2023: at least twice a year – during the Lenten season and during Advent before Christmas day.
(in 2022, I made 4.)

Prayer before making the examination of conscience

Come Holy Spirit, into my soul
And help me know my sins,
Feel sorry for them, and confess them humbly,
That I may be able to enjoy
The Father’s forgiveness.
By your light illuminate the darkness of my mind,
By your fire warm my cold heart
By your grace fill e with your love and power
May I realize the wrong that I did
And the good that I failed to do.
Help me feel truly sorry for all my sins.
Strengthen my determination to avoid them in the future.
And to live in your love, your peace and your joy. Amen


Act of Contrition

O my God, I am heartily sorry
for having offended you.
I detest all my sins,
because I dread the loss of heaven
and the pains of hell;
but most of all because they offend you,
my God, who are all good
and deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve, with the help of your grace,
to sin no more, to do penance,
and to amend my life. Amen.

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Hooray for Today – Make my Day – Serotonin Booster – Mood and Motivation Booster – March to April 2023

March 25, 2023

Will start this journal entitled Hooray for Today – Make my Day – Serotonin Booster – Mood and Motivation Booster.

Purpose: for my mental well-being.

March 25, 2023

Dr. Rogie Tangco called me up to ask formal permission to use a picture that I posted in on of my blogs – xanthelasma in the eyelid. He is publishing a book. I readily said yes. One, my policy is FREE infoshare, inspire and improve. Anyone can use my blogs as long as they are for infoshare, inspire and improve. Second, it is an honor and privilege for me and for my blogs to be given attention or importance by a renowned medical colleague, a cardiologist.

I did not bother to ask him which picture he was permission from me. I googled “xanthelasma, rojoson.” I think Dr. Rogie Tangco is referring to this.

Rogie’s call made my day – boost my mood – boost my serotonin – boost my motivation to continue blogging and to keep on going in my Education for Health Development in the Philippines program.

I started blogging in 1989 and then joined Facebook in 2011. With Rogie’s call, I am happy to know that my blogging is benefitting other people.


Other HOORAYs FOR TODAY! (March 25, 2023)

Open Cholecystectomy – difficult but completed it successfully with my son, Lance.


Completed my daily exercise routine – walking, stretching-flexing exercises and dancing

Was able to hear a Saturday noon Mass.

Was to cook (heat) and eat by myself at home today in the absence of my wife.

Hooray Today – Make My Day – Serotonin Booster – Mood and Motivation Booster

March 31, 2023

At least 2 events:

  • Haircut – feels refreshed – a new man physically
  • Confession – feels in the grace of God – a new man spiritually

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Reset and Refocus Renewal Day – Timing with Date of Cellphone Plan Inclusions Replenishment

Every 16th of the month, I would receive a notification from SMART. “Your SMART Postpaid Plan Inclusions have been replenished.”

From hereon, I will use AMONG OTHER DATES every 16th of the month as a day to RESET and REFOCUS what I am accomplishing in implementing my current Intentional Living Plans.

By the way, I am maintaining my SMART POSTPAID P399 PLAN. I think SMART has removed this PLAN. The cheapest plan now I think is P599 Postpaid Plan.

As part of my RESET and REFOCUS plan on cellphone subscription, I have decided to maintain my SMART POSTPAID P399 PLAN.

I will maintain my MINIMALIST lifestyle. This plan is sufficient for my need. I have been using this PLAN since 2017.

Smart Plan – P399

Unlimited text to any network

Call – 20 minutes (but within Metro Manila)

Data – 3072 + 500

Credit limit – P1500

As to other RESET and REFOCUS plans starting March 16, 2023, I will formulating them within the day – I hope.


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Saint Josemaria Escriva – Opus Dei – Sanctification in Daily Life and Work

“Whatever your yearnings, your work, your affections are, that is the place for your daily encounter with Christ. It is in the midst of the most material things of the earth that we must sanctify ourselves, serving God and all people.”

Sanctify your and my everyday life and work.


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