Morning Prayer – 2nd week – Fr. Tito Caluag

Monday Morning Prayer – 2nd week (From Fr. Tito Caluag) – Give Thanks and Praise – Every day is a blessing

Lord, thank you for giving me this new day and another week ahead. Help me to always feel Your loving and providential presence in all my experiences. Lovingly guide my every prayer, thought, feeling, work and work that I may do all things right and well, joyfully, and for your greater glory. In moments of doubts and difficulties, assure us of your presence and lend us peace and strength. Amen

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[ROJ-SpEx] I have competed well – I have fought the good fight – I have finished the race – I have kept the faith

I have competed well;
I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 

I hope I can remember these verses when I am about to die / depart from this world:

I have competed well;
I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.

2 Timothy 4: 6-8
For I am already being poured out like a libation,
and the time of my departure is at hand.
I have competed well;
I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.
From now on the crown of righteousness awaits me,
which the Lord, the just judge,
will award to me on that day, and not only to me,
but to all who have longed for his appearance.

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To mitigate distraction and promote participation in spiritual exercises, pray and read aloud

April 8, 2024

Oftentimes, when hearing Mass, I am being distracted by many other thoughts and I feel I am not participating actively. I will make a resolution: TO PRAY, READ AND SING ALOUD WITH VOICE SO AS TO FEEL WITH MY HEART AND BRAIN.

Oftentimes too, when I read at home, scriptures and other written prayers, i get distracted. I will make a similar resolution: TO PRAY AND READ ALOUD WITH VOICE SO AS TO FEEL WITH MY HEART AND BRAIN.


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Life, children and marriage

March 31, 2024

Reflections after watching this:

Life is a life of problems and uncertainties. Nobody is immune from this kind of life, even the King of England and Princess Kate. Nobody can predict what kind of disease particularly cancer will strike. Only God knows. When we are still alive, have these things in mind and condition ourselves to the reality and be prepared to manage them when they arrive. Also, think twice if you want to bear children into this world. if you do decide to, make sure you can accept the reality and train your children to accept it too.

“Choosing to marry or not to marry are both perfectly moral choices.” from ————————–

It is not a sin not to get married. It is moral choice.

I feel drawn to marriage, but I don’t want children. What should I do? What options are there for me?
Marriage is a vocation that enables a man and woman to establish a family. One of its very purposes is for the procreation of children. While a husband and wife do not have to be physically capable of having children to validly marry, they must be open to the possibility of having children. If you are entirely opposed to having children, then it is very likely that you do not have a vocation to marriage.

“if, however, they intend to exclude children always and forever, this would render the marriage invalid in the mind of the Church.’ ——————————-

If a couple decides to get married, if they have the potential to bear children, the Catholic Church expects them to have children. In fact, using contraceptives is said to be a sin in the eyes of the Catholic Church.

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Spiritual Books – ROJoson

Listing down the spiritual books I am reading and have read.

Given to me by Carleen Reyes
Using this
Praying for Carol
Started March 7, 2024
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Tuesdays with Morrie – Reflection for the Week (24Jan02)

Reflection for the week (January 2, 2024)
Tuesdays with Morrie

Life is a constant STRUGGLE.
In 2019, I made a formal post on this topic.

Every second,

Every minute,

Every hour,

Every day,

I struggle to:

stay alive and not be crippled
be productive
be contented
be happy

I struggle to maintain:

vigilance against errors
I struggle to resist:


I struggle to:

solve life problems
balance between accepting and avoiding life challenges

I struggle to maintain:

positive attitude
good mood

At the end of each day, I assess the outcomes of my struggle for the day:

victorious in all fronts
non-victorious in some fronts

Then I make resolutions for the next day:

maintain my struggling efforts
intensity my struggling efforts with reset-refocus

At that time, I was hesitant to make this life reality a precept for everybody to follow and accept as it carries a pessimistic tone. But I know it a reality in life and has to be accepted.

December 2023 – January 2024, I am happy to learn through social media that Saint Jose Maria Escriva of Opus Dei has made “New Year, New Struggle” a personal motto in 1971. Thus, I won’t be alone now in pursuing this motto – life is a struggle. I have the background support of Saint Escriva. Life is really a struggle.

In the past, my mottos have been at the ending of a year and start of a new year:

“New Year, New Life.”

“New Year, New Start.”

“New Year, New Chapter.”

“New Year, New Beginning.”

On Easter Sunday, I usually have this post: “Happy Easter, Happy Renewed, Brand-New Life.”

Now, I will now include St. Josemaria Escriva: “New Year, New Struggle” in my mottos.

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Disease and Disability – Be Prepared

Disease and disability cannot be determined and predicted with absolute certainty as to type, severity and when. Even physicians and science cannot do this with absolute certainty. They can only make educated guesses.

Accept it (disease / disability) as one of your cross or crosses in life to carry.

Accept it as a challenge. Accept it – face it – manage it (with your own approach).

If you are not yet disabled or have a disease, prepare for the eventuality.

At the same time, count your blessings now! Be contented with what you have now.

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Project Evangelization to Family Members

Project Evangelization to Family Members

Will start today – July 12, 2023

Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, we heed to Your call to preach the Gospel to those close to us. We know that a prophet’s word is not taken with honour in his home area but give us the fortitude and resilience to overcome this phenomenon. Give us the strength to proclaim Your Word to our loved ones, family, friends and neighbours. Amen

5 Jesus sent out His Twelve Disciples after instructing them thus, “Do not go into pagan territory or enter a Samaritan town.
6 Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
7 As you go, make this proclamation: ‘The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.’

Matthew 10:1-7

Online evangelization – Travel Buddies and ROJoson ZooMustahan – started today – July 12, 2023

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Catholic Daily Readings and Reflections for my Holy Hour

Started this in May 8, 2022.

Like them.

Before this, I do my Holy Hour reading the Bible, then Spiritual Exercises Talks by Fr. Ed. Broom.

Still doing the Catholic Readings and Reflections as of July 1, 2023.

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Prayer before my Holy Hour (Catholic Readings and Reflection)

Good morning,



Holy Spirit

Holy Trinity

Mama Mary

St. Joseph

St. Ignatius de Loyola

St. Francis Xavier

St. Josemaria Escriva

St. Peter

St. Paul

St. Michael the Archangel

My Guardian Angel

Mama Pilar

Papa Maurino

Thank you for being with me when I do my Holy Hour.

I like to do this to know You, God, better; to glorify You; to become holier today and in the days to come.

Come Holy Spirit, St. Ignatius de Loyola, teach me how to pray; teach me how to beg for God’s graces.

Mama Mary, pray for me and pray with me.

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