Category Archives: Intentional Life Plans

Intentional Life Plan of ETS

ETS 59 Years old  If I were to die at 65 years old or in year 2025, What are the legacies that I want to leave behind for my family and my community? Intentions Timeline ·         I will pass to … Continue reading

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Intentional Life Plan of EDLD – Version 2

MY INTENTIONAL LIFE PLAN (ILP) FROM: YEAR 2019 to 2029 FROM: AGE 47 to 57 Intentional Living is basically a life on purpose. Taking steps or actions that are done consciously, with awareness, and on purpose make room to improve … Continue reading

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Intentional Life Plan – BCC

Scientific conclusion from W.H.O….70yrs old average lifespan people all over the world. With this in mind, there are 2 significant/relevant considerations…. 1.) Im targeting 5yrs from now 2019-2024 as my intentional life plan to achieve all the earthly obligations for … Continue reading

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Perfect life on earth and intentional life plan

Is there such thing as perfect life on earth? A perfect life on earth consists of: No death No illness No natural calamities Healthy living environment Peace and order Harmonious interpersonal relationship No stress No problems in life etc. A … Continue reading

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Weight Watch and Intentional Life Plan

Backstory “How can I live my life with more intention?” “How can I live my life with more intention today?” Intentional Living is Living with Intention; living guided by your long-term visions and goals in life and then designing, implementing … Continue reading

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Intentional Life Plan – MTO

Intentional Life Plan – MTO Last February 2019, I coached MTO on making an intentional life plan.  She has breast and colonic cancer.  At 7 years after the breast operation, she has local and distant recurrences (lungs, liver and bones).   At … Continue reading

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Additional strategic goals in ROJoson’s Intentional Life Plan – 2019 to 2024

19may13 Decided to add another strategic goal for emphasis (have included this before but not spelled out): Target HEAVEN as I live my life on earth. Thus, there are now 3 strategic goals in my @70to75 Intentional Life Plan effective … Continue reading

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Target Heaven – Part of My Intentional Life Plan

Target Heaven – Part of My Intentional Life Plan (@70 and renewed in my Intentional Life Plan @70to75) Based on Scripture and enshrined in the Catechism of the Catholic Church—that “those who die in God’s grace and friendship and are … Continue reading

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Intentional Life Plan of ZC


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Intentional Life Plans submitted to ROJoson in 2019

Update: 9 persons have submitted to me their Intentional Life Plan as of September 15, 2019. 30 – 9 = 21 more to go (my target for 2019) I encourage more people to formulate their intentional life plans and share … Continue reading

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