Life, children and marriage

March 31, 2024

Reflections after watching this:

Life is a life of problems and uncertainties. Nobody is immune from this kind of life, even the King of England and Princess Kate. Nobody can predict what kind of disease particularly cancer will strike. Only God knows. When we are still alive, have these things in mind and condition ourselves to the reality and be prepared to manage them when they arrive. Also, think twice if you want to bear children into this world. if you do decide to, make sure you can accept the reality and train your children to accept it too.

“Choosing to marry or not to marry are both perfectly moral choices.” from ————————–

It is not a sin not to get married. It is moral choice.

I feel drawn to marriage, but I don’t want children. What should I do? What options are there for me?
Marriage is a vocation that enables a man and woman to establish a family. One of its very purposes is for the procreation of children. While a husband and wife do not have to be physically capable of having children to validly marry, they must be open to the possibility of having children. If you are entirely opposed to having children, then it is very likely that you do not have a vocation to marriage.

“if, however, they intend to exclude children always and forever, this would render the marriage invalid in the mind of the Church.’ ——————————-

If a couple decides to get married, if they have the potential to bear children, the Catholic Church expects them to have children. In fact, using contraceptives is said to be a sin in the eyes of the Catholic Church.

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