Tuesdays with Morrie – Reflection for the Week (24Jan02)

Reflection for the week (January 2, 2024)
Tuesdays with Morrie

Life is a constant STRUGGLE.
In 2019, I made a formal post on this topic.

Every second,

Every minute,

Every hour,

Every day,

I struggle to:

stay alive and not be crippled
be productive
be contented
be happy

I struggle to maintain:

vigilance against errors
I struggle to resist:


I struggle to:

solve life problems
balance between accepting and avoiding life challenges

I struggle to maintain:

positive attitude
good mood

At the end of each day, I assess the outcomes of my struggle for the day:

victorious in all fronts
non-victorious in some fronts

Then I make resolutions for the next day:

maintain my struggling efforts
intensity my struggling efforts with reset-refocus

At that time, I was hesitant to make this life reality a precept for everybody to follow and accept as it carries a pessimistic tone. But I know it a reality in life and has to be accepted.

December 2023 – January 2024, I am happy to learn through social media that Saint Jose Maria Escriva of Opus Dei has made “New Year, New Struggle” a personal motto in 1971. Thus, I won’t be alone now in pursuing this motto – life is a struggle. I have the background support of Saint Escriva. Life is really a struggle.

In the past, my mottos have been at the ending of a year and start of a new year:

“New Year, New Life.”

“New Year, New Start.”

“New Year, New Chapter.”

“New Year, New Beginning.”

On Easter Sunday, I usually have this post: “Happy Easter, Happy Renewed, Brand-New Life.”

Now, I will now include St. Josemaria Escriva: “New Year, New Struggle” in my mottos.

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