Rural area nostalgia and appreciation – ROJoson

Nostalgia is a sentimentality for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations. 

I will use this definition of nostalgia when I see pictures of rural areas during my appreciation exercises, particularly during my daily online world exploration.

I have been to a lot of rural areas in the Philippines (special mention – memorable Jomalig Island in 1975). I have been to some rural areas abroad.

I appreciate the life of people in the rural areas – simple but happy but with a lot of survival challenges.

I have been living in the city (Cabanatuan and Metro Manila) for the past 73 years. At this age, can I shift to living in a rural area (I ask myself). Most likely not. But it is still possible. It all depends on what mission I am going to do for God for the rest of life. For the moment, based on my 2022 identified mission, it seems it is better (I can better accomplished my mission) that I have to stay put in the city (living like a hermit in my small city house most of the time) rendering online Education for Heath Development in the Philippine program and rendering compassionate humanitarian services to the Filipino people in need.

I will just be contented with a feeling of NOSTALGIA and an APPRECIATION of the people living in the rural areas. I hope my mission will be able to reach the Filipino people in the rural areas somehow. I have done this before. Specifically, in 2020, during the height of COVID19 pandemic crisis, I rendered compassionate humanitarian services by providing PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment) to a lot of rural health units in the country side. See link below.

I will continue to find opportunities to render compassionate humanitarian services in the rural areas in the Philippines while continuing to stay in the city.

For the moment, here is a typical picture of a rural area that I got from the Net (CTTO). In the future, I will try to retrieve Philippine rural areas where I have been to.

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