Laughter Exercise for Health and Well-being

Laughter Exercise for Health and Well-being

It is said that “laughter is the best medicine.”

How true is this?

If true, how do we ensure that one is accomplishing this prescription everyday?

First, a backgrounder.

Where did the saying “laughter is the best medicine” come from?

In the book of Proverbs, Chapter 17, verse 22 which reads that “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones”. So laughter is the best medicine was coined from the first part of this verse.

The phrase “laughter is the best medicine” is a metaphor, a kind of figure of speech.  As a metaphor, laughter is medicine (and the best medicine at that).  However, laughter is not actually medicine.  It can’t prevent, treat or cure disease exactly as drugs and medications can.  Yet, it can lead to better physical and mental health as science has backed this up.

The idiom, “laughter is the best medicine” is often used to remind people who are feeling stressed, worried, angry, or depressed that the simple act of laughing can help alleviate their negative emotions thereby promoting well-being.

So, what does the science say about laughter being a good medicine?  Here are just a few of the many proven health benefits of laughter. (ctto)

Laughter releases endorphins which are “feel-good” chemicals released by the brain. Endorphins can produce a feeling of euphoria, relaxation and help boost mood, and they can even have an analgesic effect in the body, reducing the perception of pain.

Laughter is helpful against depression. Laughing releases the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is the same brain chemical targeted by common antidepressants.

Laughter is good for the immune system. It increases the body’s production of important immune cells, specifically natural killer cells, which help fight disease. 

Laughter protects the heart. Laughter appears to help blood vessels function properly and increases blood flow.

Laughter is good for the lungs as it provides a workout for the diaphragm. It empties the lungs of more air than they take in, which results in a cleansing effect in much the same way that an act of deep breathing does.  

Laughter may help you live longer.  A study has found that those with a sense of humor lived an average of eight years longer than those who without.  (The Guardian, 2021)

From the above, therefore, it is true that “laughter is the best medicine,” that it is a good medicine or a good human activity that can lead to better health and well-being.

How then do we ensure that we are accomplishing and complying with this prescription on health and well-being, especially on a daily basis?   

Advocates have recommended the following human activities to stimulate and bring about laughter:

  • One can listen to jokes and humor.
  • Once can crack jokes and act funny.
  • One can watch stand-up comedy.
  • One can watch Mr. Bean.
  • One can watch Just for Laughs Gags.

Question: Is it easy to accomplish all the above activities so that one can laugh every day, daily?  May not be easy. Yes, they may not be easy to accomplish.  Reasons?   One may not have the time. One may not understand or comprehend the jokes and humor.   And also, not every person knows how to laugh.   There are people who don’t laugh at all even if there is a stimulus for laughter.  These are the serious people all their life (like me).

Personally, for the past 30 years or so, after knowing and accepting that laughter is the best medicine, I have been trying to accomplish and comply with the prescription of laughing for health and well-being.  But I have NOT been successful. Primarily, because I have been a serious person all my life.  I never had a hearty laugh before.  Once in a blue moon, I forced myself to laugh, but at most, at the degree of just a smile.

Lately, May 20, 2022, I came across a laughing exercise which I appreciated very much.  Let me give you a backgrounder on how I came across this laughing exercise which I appreciated very much.  Since October 2021 up to now, May 2022, I have been having frequent bouts of anxiety and depression (but I am still functional, with force).  One of the strategies I prescribed myself was to have a Zest for Life Program and one of the tactics in this program would be to be feel joyful and cheerful every day and in everything I do, big or small stuffs.  To perk me up, I went back to my “laughter is the best medicine” project, which I have always been reminding myself of as part of my Intentional Living Plan to enjoy life and to be happy.  March and April 2022, I watched the videos on Just for Laughs Gags then Mr. Bean to perk me up.  Watching Mr. Bean videos would make me smile a bit but not chuckle or hearty laugh.  Watching Just for Laughs Gags had no effect on me.  I also tried watching stand-up comedies in YouTube but still the same – no effective laughter coming from me.  Then, in May 20, 2022, I came across Laughter Yoga in YouTube.  I liked it very much after I watched several videos on the topic (there are plenty of them).     

I like the principles and processes of Laughter Yoga for the following reasons:

One, knowing that I am NOT a laugher to jokes and funny shows, in the past I tried artificial laugh to get the benefit of laughter.  However, I did not pursue the artificial laughter as I thought it may not have same effects as the natural laughter.  Also, I am concerned with people seeing me laugh without a reason.  There is a popular quote, “if you laugh without reason, you need medicine.”  I was happy to learn through the Laughter Yoga that voluntary laughter provides similar physiological and psychological benefits as spontaneous laughter.  So, I should resume my artificial laughter exercise.  I was also happy to learn that Laughter Yoga is now a world-wide movement present in at least 115 countries and with so many thousands of clubs.  In the Philippines, there is already a Laughter Yoga Philippines established in 2016.  So, if I resume and do my artificial laughing exercises by myself, nobody will think I am crazy. 

Second, I am now 73 years old with a long-history of being a NO-laugher guy to jokes and funny shows.  March and April 2022, I tried again to see if I could change my personality – if I can force myself to laugh at jokes and funny shows (stand-up comedies, Just for Laughs Gags, and Mr. Bean).  No change. Cannot change my NO-laugher personality anymore.   With the discovery of the principles and processes of Laughter Yoga, I will now intensely pursue artificial laughing to accomplish my laughing exercise.  It suits my needs as a traditional non-laugher.  I find it practical and easy as an exercise which I can do every day, as often as I want, and anytime of the day.

Third, the processes of Laughter Yoga consist of a structured body and breathing exercises lasting for 10 to 20 minutes where one can feel an outcome right after – you feel good; you feel energized.  Note: it has to be a prolonged or continuous laughing exercise for at least 10 minutes to get the good feel outcome.

A short history of “Laughter Yoga”

Laughter Yoga was popularized by an Indian family physician Dr. Madan Kataria who in 1995 started to modernize and simplify the work of earlier laughter advocates.  Laughter Yoga is now a world-wide movement established now in more than 115 countries in the world with thousands and thousands of clubs.

The practice as designed by Dr. Madan Kataria in 1995 combines playful group exercises and deep breathing to promote wellness, happiness and lots of laughter. It’s called laughter yoga because of the diaphragmatic breathing that takes place during laughter.  Put it in another way, it is called Laughter Yoga because it combines laughter exercises with yoga breathing.

Laughter Yoga is an exercise involving prolonged voluntary laughter without any humorous reason to laugh and no joke. This type of yoga is based on the belief that voluntary laughter provides similar physiological and psychological benefits as spontaneous laughter.

It is usually done in groups, with eye contact and much playfulness among participants. Laughter is forced at first, but it can soon turn into real, spontaneous and contagious laughter.  A group session usually lasts from 30 to 60 minutes.

It can be done alone, by a person alone, for about 15 to 20 minutes.  Doing it alone can permit one to do it every day.  Since the goal in Laughter Yoga is to build a daily habit and bring more laughter into one’s life, one must learn to do it alone, at home, anywhere, and anytime, about 15 -20 minutes per day.   

ROJoson Laughing Exercise for Health and Well-being

I did a self-study just watching the YouTubes on the topic (there are plenty of learning resources).   I came out with my own programs of laughing exercise (of course, adapted from Dr. Kataria) which I like to share it with my relatives, friends and patients.

I will call the exercise as a Laughing Exercise for Health and Well-being.  Technically, it is derived from “Laughter Yoga” that one sees in the Internet and as popularized by Dr. Kataria. 

As an aside, starting 2022, I have categorized my life exercises into physical exercise; mental exercise; spiritual exercise; appreciation exercise; and relaxation exercise.  After seeing the beauty and benefits of laughing exercise, I have added this to my life exercise program. I may integrate it to the relaxation exercise.  However, for the moment, I will treat it as a distinct category of exercise, laughing exercise.

As I said, my laughing exercise is derived from the popular “Laughter Yoga.”   “Breathe. Laugh. Be happy.” This is the science behind Laughter Yoga.

Before I present my personal programs of laughing exercise, here is the link to my collection of the videos of Dr. Kataria.  

Laughter Yoga – Laughter Exercise – ROJoson Notes

Here are my personal programs of laughter yoga or laughing exercise which I have developed for myself.

Integrating laughter exercise to my daily walking exercise (started May 27, 2022)

I have been walking for about 45 to 60 minutes daily for more than 7 years now.  Starting May 27, 2022, I have integrated 15 minutes of laughing exercise to my walking.

Here is the video.

Upon waking up laughter exercise with the Holy Ones

I have a routine morning prayer since January 2022.

ROJoson Morning Prayer – January 4, 2022

For the past several months, I have trying to be always cheerful everyday and I have begged God for this grace. I have not been successful. I thought of this morning prayer cum laughter exercise with the Holy Ones. I don’t think they will mind. I hope and pray there will be improvement in my being cheerful everyday.

May 28, 2022 – I did a silent or not too loud a laughter so as not to disturb other people in the room or house and I accompanied this with a morning conversation with the Holy Ones with laughter before getting out of bed.  Duration: Three to five minutes.


Clap hands along the tune of Ho Ho Ha Ha Ha – 5 times – to energize myself.

Make 5 reps of full inhalation and full laughter on full exhalation.

“Abba, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Mama Mary, St. Ignatius de Loyola, St. Francis Xavier and my guarding angel – good morning; please laugh with me because I want to feel cheerful in your presence. (followed by about 5 reps of laughter with full inhalation and full exhalation)

“God, thank you for making me wake up this morning still alive.” (followed by about 5 reps of laughter with full inhalation and full exhalation)

“God, I am ready to serve You again today.” (followed by about 5 reps of laughter with full inhalation and full exhalation)

“God, always be with me today to help me live the day. (followed by about 5 reps of laughter with full inhalation and full exhalation) 

“God, always make me cheerful when I carry my crosses today.” (followed by about 5 reps of laughter with full inhalation and full exhalation)

“God, always make me cheerful when I serve you today.” (followed by about 5 reps of laughter with full inhalation and full exhalation)

“In omnibus, amare et servire Domino.” In every thing love and praise the Lord. (followed by about 5 reps of laughter with full inhalation and full exhalation)

“Ad Majorem dei Gloriam” For the greater glory of God.” (followed by about 5 reps of laughter with full inhalation and full exhalation)

“Holy Ones, good-bye for now.” (followed by about 5 reps of full inhalation and full laughter on full exhalation with YEHEY.)

Laughter exercise before retiring at night

This is done after my “daily examen” – evaluation of love and service to God during the day. After my daily examen, I should be cheerful after talking to God – thanking Him for the graces for the day; apologizing for my short falls; and being hopeful for a better day tomorrow.

Make 5 reps of full inhalation and full laughter on full exhalation.

“God, thank you for the graces you have me today.” (followed by about 5 reps of laughter with full inhalation and full exhalation)

“God, thank you for forgiving me for my short falls today. I will do better tomorrow.” (followed by about 5 reps of laughter with full inhalation and full exhalation)

“God, I trust You will make me better tomorrow.” (followed by about 5 reps of laughter with full inhalation and full exhalation)

“In omnibus, amare et servire Domino.” In every thing love and praise the Lord. (followed by about 5 reps of laughter with full inhalation and full exhalation)

“Ad Majorem dei Gloriam” For the greater glory of God.” (followed by about 5 reps of laughter with full inhalation and full exhalation with YEHEY)

“Good night, God.” (humming then sleep).

Laughter exercise when negative thoughts and anxieties are coming in

Break the negative thoughts and anxieties with random laughter exercise or gradient laughing exercise.

Laugh them off. Simple laugh them off.

Make at least 5 reps of full inhalation and full laughter on full exhalation. Continue as long as needed until the negative thoughts dissipate.

Then, make 5 reps of laughter with full inhalation and full exhalation with YEHEY.

ROJoson Laughing Exercise for Health and Well-being – 10 to 15 minutes

Derived from Laughing Yoga of Dr. Kataria

CLAPPING of hands with HO HO HA HA HA (at least 5 reps)

Breathing exercise with HA HA HA on exhalation (at least 5 reps)

CLAP  – Very good, very good, yehey

Silent laughing with closed lips

Smiling laughing with open mouth

HA Ha Ha laugher – loud to louder to loudest

CLAP  – Very good, very good, yehey

Milk shake laughter

CLAP  – Very good, very good, yehey

Cellphone laughter

CLAP  – Very good, very good, yehey

Hand shake laughter

CLAP  – Very good, very good, yehey

Argument laughter

CLAP  – Very good, very good, yehey

Proud of myself laughter

CLAP  – Very good, very good, yehey

Breathing exercise with HA HA HA on exhalation (at least 5 reps)

CLAP  – Very good, very good, yehey

Open laughter – HA HA HA from loud to loudest

Breathing exercise (silent)

Laughter exercise with a group of people, particularly through Zoom

Advocate laughter exercise for health and well-being, especially for my patients, particularly cancer patients (ROJoson Cancer Crusaders Club).

Identify the people to be involved and their character. Identify the objectives.

Create a laughter exercise program – 15 to 30 minutes, with warm-up, with variety of laughing exercises that will suit the character of the people participating and specific objectives, with closing and with evaluation.

Will create sample programs in the future. Will entice ROJoson Cancer Crusaders to create programs. May have a contest on laughter exercise programs.

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2 Responses to Laughter Exercise for Health and Well-being

  1. Angie Vilvar says:

    Whats ur email address pls?

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