ROJ-AHLP-ILP — September 21, 2019


(can’t remember – the meaning of “AHLP” abbreviation that I used in September 21, 2019)

ILP – Intentional Living Plan

AH-LP = AH Living Plan (AH – adjusted health?)

Reset planning horizons in my 2019 Intentional Life Plan:

Short Term = 2019-2024 (5 years)

Medium Term = 2019-2029 (10 years)

Long Term = 2019-2032 (13 years)

Reminder: Every second, minute, day, week, month and year is a bonus after January 31, 2019 when I reached 70 years old.

Approach in implementing plans: Focus on achieving bonus short-term goals with the hope of achieving bonus medium-term and then bonus long-term goals.

Primary Target: To stay alive and not crippled up to 13 years at least from January 31, 2019 to support my wife (to reach 70 years) and my children (to have a stable professional life).


Rationale for the different planning horizons:

13 years for my wife

To wait for my wife to reach 70 years old (70 years is my recommended initial and minimum longevity target for all people as it is the average lifespan of Filipinos and people worldwide).  In 2019, my wife will be 58 years old.  In 2032, she will be 70 -71 years old.  During these 13 years of waiting, I intend to contribute to her productivity, peace of mind, contentment, enjoyment, happiness and longevity.

10 years for my children

To wait for my children to be stable in their respective professional careers.  My son, now age 31 years old, will finish general surgery residency program in 2024 (5 years); do fellowship (allot 2 to 3 years); take certifying specialist examinations and establish surgical practice thereafter.  I will allot a liberal 10 years of waiting for him.  For my daughter, now age 30 years old, I will likewise allot 10 years for her to be stable in whatever professional career she chooses.

5 years for my short term plan

At age 70 in 2019, to be realistic and practical, since I am now at greater risk of acquiring diseases, developing age-related crippling medical conditions, and not to say, dying, I will make my bonus intentional life plan 5 years at a time.  I take note of the average life span of Filipinos like me which is 70 years.  Every second, minute, day, week, month and year is a bonus for me after I reached 70 last January 31, 2019.  I will make a bonus short term intentional life plan to remain productive, with peace of mind, contented, enjoying and happy up to the last day of my life, which I cannot predict. If I don’t achieve my bonus medium-term and long-term goals, I will still be contented and happy.


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