Monthly Archives: May 2019

New Commandment – John

John 13: 34-35: A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. 35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for … Continue reading

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Intentional Life Plan of ZC


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Intentional Life Plans submitted to ROJoson in 2019

Update: 9 persons have submitted to me their Intentional Life Plan as of September 15, 2019. 30 – 9 = 21 more to go (my target for 2019) I encourage more people to formulate their intentional life plans and share … Continue reading

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Intentional Life Plan of RSD

RSD is now 5 years in remission for her breast cancer (as of 2019).  She had positive lymph nodes and she underwent 6 cycles of chemotherapy. She is being maintained on Tamoxifen. She made an intentional life plan targeting 5 … Continue reading

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Remember one day we will all die

Memento Mori – Tuesday with Morrie   Remember one day all of us (we) will die! Always be mindful that one day all of us (we) will die!   Remember death is inevitable.  We just don’t know when and how. … Continue reading

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Gardening and Farming and Health and Longevity

19may6 I came across this article today: “Gardening could be the hobby that helps you-live to 100” I am glad I saw this as it supports, substantiates, affirms, validates, and endorses (SSAVE) what I am doing along this line of … Continue reading

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Enjoy each day as if it were your last!

Enjoy each day as if it were your last day! To be able to enjoy each day, you have to be in the BONUS stage.  You have achieved everything already that is spelled out in your first formulated intentional life … Continue reading

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ROJoson’s Intentional Life Plan (2019-2024) – Progress Report

ROJoson’s Intentional Life Plan (2019-2024) – Progress Report Formulated in February 1, 2019 and refined on April 8, 2019 using ROJoson’s Template. Strategic Goals: Staying alive and not crippled up to 2024 (next 5 years) Continuing to refine and … Continue reading

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