Reminder on Slowing Down – 2018

In 2015, I reminded myself to slow down.

Every year, after I have reached 65 years old, the year of my “retirement,” I have been reminding myself to slow down.

Today, February 18, 2018, I am reminding myself to slow down again.

Note: this has to be tied up with reminders on contentment and doing things what matters most in the remaining years of my life.




Reminders on Contentment

Determine the end-points in all the programs and projects you want to do in your life that will be considered as criteria for “contented enough.” After you have achieved the end-points, retire completely and just cherish the memories of what you have done.

ROJoson – January 23, 2015


A Period of Contentment
An Hour of Contentment
A Few Minutes of Contentment
A Few Seconds of Contentment
A Moment of Contentment

Every day we should have a moment of contentment; a few seconds, a few minutes, an hour. As much as possible, all these moments should add up to a longer period of contentment, such as after completion of a program or project, at time of retirement, and at time of death.

Contentment means the following:
• Peace and relaxation of mind.
• No rat race.
• No such sayings that I have too much to do; too many responsibilities to shoulder; too many deadlines to meet; too many achievements to be achieved; too many money to earned and to be saved; too many promotions to be earned; too many calls to be made; too many letters to be written; etc.
• Strivings for more in anything have ceased.
• No thinking that if I’m content, people might think I have lost my ambition.
• Saying such things as good-bye schedule; see you later, routine; come back tomorrow, deadlines.

ROJoson – February 3, 2015


I will not strive for external awards or recognition for personal excellence anymore.  I have enough.  I have done enough contribution on Education for Health Development in the Philippines.  I will just cherish the memories of what I have done.


I will not compete with anybody anymore.  I am retired.  I will slow down.  I will be contented with what I have done, what I have gained, and what I will do in my own controlled pace.





“to leave the world a little better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success.”  – Ralph Waldo Emerson


I will surrender things of the youth.

I won’t be able to do all types of exercises anymore.

I won’t be able to do all types of surgical operations anymore.


I won’t be able to cure everybody.

I can still treat many patients.

I can offer comfort to all patients coming to see me at all times.

These are my limitations in medical practice and I have to accept them to be contented.


I will be contented with material things.

I don’t need much anymore, just maintaining shelter; nutrition; car; and computer system to do my blogging for Education for Health Development in the Philippines – which I will do for the rest of my life (while I am still not mentally crippled).


I will be contented with 3 major activities per day. These major activities will be a combination of the any of the following:

  1. Medical practice – clinics, operations, writings
  2. Medical education – conferences, teachings, meetings, writings
  3. Hospital administration – meetings, writings, teachings
  4. Public health education – writings, lectures
  5. Family bonding
  6. Exercise-relaxation
  7. Social networking

Formulated: January 13, 2013


What I want to focus on for the next five years but at a controlled and in my own pace:

  • Develop learning modules for hospitals.

  • Develop learning modules for medical and health administration schools.

  • Blog in WordPress and Facebook (Education for Health Development in the Philippines)

March 7, 2017

What I want to focus on for the next five years (2018 / 2019 – 2024) but at a controlled and in my own pace:

– 100-Bed Level 2, Private General Hospital Design and Operations Manual
– Medical Curriculum Enhancement
– Options for Medical Management – Diagnostic and Treatment Procedures
– Clinical Research

These 4 projects are (as published in

  • Blog in WordPress and Facebook (Education for Health Development in the Philippines)

Reminder on Slow Down (to myself again) – 18feb22
Intentional slow down – intentional reduction in activities that tend to cause stress such as turning down speaking engagement and saying NO to rat race – being contented with what I have – just doing things which can create my own sense of happiness, satisfaction and productivity and AT MY OWN CONTROLLED PACE.


See: Reminder on Slowing Down – 2017


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